Although today’s dental crown are strong and durable, they are not likely to last the rest of your life. Most crowns last between five and 15 years before needing to be replaced (or at least repaired).
In some cases it is obvious that you need to replace a crown because it has fallen out or suffered extensive damage; in other circumstances, it is less obvious that there is a problem with a crown. Ignoring signs of a problem could end up causing you pain and discomfort.
Below it discusses scenarios in which your dental crown may need to be replaced.
Dental Crown replacement, replace old crown, Dentist Melbourne CBD Victoria

Dental Crown replacement, replace old crown, Dentist Melbourne CBD Victoria
Dental Crown replacement, replace old crown, Dentist Melbourne CBD Victoria
Is your smile holding you back? Research shows that people who smile more are more likely to be successful across many life domains than people who smile less. Having straight, healthy teeth can give you the confidence you need to show the world a big beautiful smile. And, a beautiful new smile may help open the doors to a fabulous new job, finding the perfect mate, making new friends, a relationship or simply a pleasant meeting. A great smile has magical powers. Never EVER underestimate the power of your smile!
Your smile is your calling card. Whether you’re having social interactions with your family and friends, attending a family wedding, or simply going about your daily activities and interactions, – your smile has an immediate impact on the way people perceive you. And if you’re embarrassed about your teeth – because of missing teeth, aged smiles, worn down teeth, chips, crookedness, colour and among other aesthetic imperfections– people aren’t perceiving the most confident and attractive version of you. Get expert cosmetic dental enhancement and makeover at Vogue Smiles Melbourne. We are here to help.
If you are self conscious about the appearance of your missing teeth, and you feel your smile is holding you back, we can help you of replacing your missing teeth.
Transform your Smile with our PREPLESS OR NO-PREP PORCELAIN VENEER SPECIALS AND PACKAGE OFFER at $700 per tooth or from $45 weekly TLC payment plan* (Minimum 10 teeth to get this Veneer Package Specials)

Dental Crown replacement, replace old crown, Dentist Melbourne CBD Victoria
There can be a variety of reasons why a Dental Crown needs to be Replace.Some of them are:
A) Tooth decay has formed at the edge of the crown.
While a dental crown cannot decay the tooth on which the crown is cemented certainly can. If dental plaque is allowed to accumulate on a tooth in the region where the crown and tooth meet, a cavity can start.
While there can be a lot of variables with this type of situation, the worst-case scenario for your dental crown is that in order for your dentist to be able to get at and remove the decay the crown will need to be taken off and replaced with a new one.
B) The dental crown has become worn excessively.
Dental crowns are not necessarily significantly more resistant to wear than your own natural teeth, nor is it in your best interest that they should be. The ideal dental crown would be one made out of a material that has the same wear characteristics as tooth enamel. This way neither the dental crown nor your teeth would wear the other excessively.
Dental crowns can wear out, especially in those cases where a person has a habit of clenching and grinding their teeth. A dentist will sometimes detect a small hole on the chewing surface of a dental crown in that area where it makes contact with an opposing tooth (meaning a tooth that touches on the crown when you bite). Since the seal of the crown has now been lost your dentist will probably recommend that a new crown should be made, before that point in time when dental plaque has seeped in underneath the crown and has been able to start a cavity.
C) The dental crown has broken.
Dental crowns can break, or more precisely the porcelain component of a dental crown can fracture. Some dental crowns are made in a fashion where their full thickness is porcelain (all-ceramic dental crowns). If this is the case then if the crown breaks it will most likely have broken all of the ways through, thus compromising the seal of the crown and necessitating its replacement. Even with a less catastrophic fracture, it seems likely that the aesthetics or function of the crown could be compromised, thus providing a reason why the crown should be replaced.
D) The aesthetics of the crown has become objectionable.
Some dental crowns are replaced because, from a cosmetic standpoint, their appearance is no longer pleasing. Two situations where the cosmetic aspects of a dental crown can change with time are:
E) The dental crown’s edge has become visible and it has a grey appearance.
As time passes the gum line of a tooth on which a dental crown has been placed will sometimes recede. This is especially likely in those cases where diligent brushing and flossing have not been practised. If enough recession takes place the edge of the dental crown, which was originally tucked out of sight just under the gum line, will become visible. Many times this edge of the crown will have a grey appearance.
Inherent to porcelain-fused-to-metal dental crowns (related to their construction) is the fact that the very edge of these crowns will typically show some darkness (a hint of the grey metal that lies underneath the porcelain). If enough gum recession occurs this dark edge will become visible, thus spoiling the cosmetic appearance of the crown.
F) The colour of the dental crown no longer matches its neighbouring teeth.
Also related to the cosmetic appearance of a dental crown, there can be times when, as years have elapsed, the colour of the crown no longer closely matches the shade of its neighbouring teeth. In these cases, it is not the colour of the porcelain crown that has changed but instead, the neighbouring teeth have stained and darkened.
There can be two solutions to this situation. The dental crown can be replaced with a new one that more closely matches the current colour of its neighbouring teeth. Another solution could be to use a teeth whitening process so to attempt to return the neighbouring teeth to the colour they were when the dental crown was originally placed.
When your crown is first fitted and placed, your bite should feel completely normal. If, over time, your bite starts to feel uneven, something may have occurred with your crown and it may need to be adjusted or replaced.
If you notice your gum tissue pulling away from the crowned tooth, it could indicate that the crown was improperly placed. It could also indicate that you have gum disease and need to seek periodontal treatment with your dentist.
Crowns that are older than five years are more likely to develop problems due to natural wear and tear. It is critical to have your crowns checked twice a year to allow your dentist an opportunity to inspect your restorations and ensure everything is healthy and functioning properly.
While it is very rare for a metal crown to break or chip, porcelain crowns or the porcelain component of a porcelain-fused-to-metal crown can sometimes suffer surface damage due to the wear and tear of everyday use, eating or excessive force caused by bruxism. Broken or cracked crowns may expose the underlying tooth and can cause pain, swelling or tenderness.
In the case of a fractured or damaged crown, it is crucial to restore the crown’s integrity so it can continue to protect the underlying tooth. Depending on the extent of the damage, it may be easily repaired with a quick buffing, or it may require replacement.
If you’d like to see your dentist but are in a fix in terms of finances, you should know that most dental insurance companies cover costs of crown replacement or repair in 5 years. So, if you have dental insurance, don’t hesitate to book an appointment with us if a crown you recently got is giving you problems. Before your dentist performs any procedures, they’ll first examine your oral cavity and determine your existing crown’s health.
Dental crowns help prevent further decay to your tooth, protect it from further damage in addition to preventing the loss of your tooth. This is not to mean that you should only see your dentist when you have a dental issue. You should visit your dentist at least twice a year for regular cleanings and check-ups. We can help you address any dental concerns you may have.
Which is Better Bridge or Implant? | Tooth Bridge vs Implant Melbourne
Dental Crown replacement, replace old crown, Dentist Melbourne CBD Victoria

Dental Crown replacement, replace old crown, Dentist Melbourne CBD Victoria
Dr. Zenaidy Castro understands the impact a beautiful smile can have on your daily life. She takes the time to listen to each patient’s goals in order to produce the best results for everyone who wants to have a better smile.
Dr. Zenaidy Castro love transforming smiles through cosmetic dentistry, and with her vast experience of over 30 years, the care and aesthetic results she provides for all her patients is unmatched. What sets her apart is her careful eye for detail and ensure they have superior results that meet her patients expectations.
She enjoys creating smiles based on the idea that each person is born with a unique smile, and believe that a beautiful smile is not a one-size-fits-all smile design or a an appearance that seems like coming from a single factory manufacturing line.
Dr. Zenaidy Castro will design the smile of your dreams. It is easier than you think! Just give us a call to set up your free aesthetic consultation and see for yourself what we can do to make your smile dreams come true. To learn more about working with Dr. Zenaidy Castro, contact Vogue Smiles Melbourne on 9629-7664.
Find out more about Dr. Zenaidy Castro as a dentist
Find out more about Dr. Zenaidy Castro as an abstract artist and Photographer

Dental Crown replacement, replace old crown, Dentist Melbourne CBD Victoria
We don’t believe that dental care should be out of anyone’s price range. We want you to feel confident in a smile that looks attractive and functions naturally—and fits within your budget! If you don’t believe you can afford the dental treatment you need (or want), rest assured that we will try our best to help you afford the treatment you need. We have helped countless patients receive affordable dentistry, providing them with beautiful new smiles that have changed their quality of life.
Our team helps make our dental services affordable by assisting you in maximizing your insurance benefits and accepting a variety of payment methods.
Don’t let fear or embarrassment about your budget keep you from getting the dental treatments your smile deserves.
Contact our team today!

Dental Crown replacement, replace old crown, Dentist Melbourne CBD Victoria
Smile Makeovers with Porcelain Veneers
At Vogue Smiles Melbourne, we provide a wide range of general dentistry and cosmetic dental treatments including composite bonding, porcelain veneers, Invisalign, teeth whitening, Smile Rejuvenation, Anti-aging Dental facelift, Full Mouth Reconstruction and Aesthetic Rehabilitation , Snap on Smile, Same Day Smiles, Transitional or Intermediate Smiles and much more.

We are passionate about the positive impact that is possible with a great smile.
You deserve the confidence and positive self-image that comes with having a great smile.
To learn more and to schedule an appointment at Vogue Smiles Melbourne, please Call us now on 9629 7664 for your FREE COSMETIC CONSULTATION.
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The information on this website is for information purposes only. Is not a substitute for a proper professional care and advice. Each patient’s outcomes, risks, potential complications, and recovery differ. Any dental procedure, minor or major, carries risks, some minor and some serious. Before and after images seen on our Social Media and website pages are our actual patient and have been published/posted with our patients’ permission. All of our patients photos are subject to Copyrights protection. We are strong believers in responsible aesthetics. Every cosmetic, medical, or dental procedure comes with its own set of risks and benefits. Cosmetic Dentistry results will vary from patient to patient. Call our office and book for an actual in-office consultation for us to assess if you are a good candidate for a particular treatment. All of our Specials and packages posted on this site are subject to terms, conditions and availability. The exact fee for a particular cosmetic procedure will be determined after a preliminary assessment distinguishing your unique personal needs and the type of work needed. The prices mentioned on any of our website as well as any mentioned payment plan by a third party source, are just a guide and is subject to change. Call the third party financing providers or visit their website for more info. Please call the office on 9629-7664 for further queries or clarification.

Dr Zenaidy Castro – Famous Celebrity Australia’s Best Cosmetic Dentist, Australia’s famous, woman Photographer and abstract artist