Contact & Address
9629 7664
Melbourne CBD
Level 17, 190 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
| Noble Park North
97 Browns Road, Noble Park North 3174



We want to ensure that all of our patients are pleased with their experience of our service. We value complaints as they assist us to improve our services.

When there is a complaint, it is dealt with courteously and promptly so that the matter is resolved as quickly as possible.

How a compliant can be made:

If you are dissatisfied with our service, you can contact us to address your concerns and lodge a complaint with us in one of the following ways:

  • By completing a feedback form on our website
  • By emailing us [email protected]
  • By telephoning us 03 9629 7664


To help us investigate your complaint quickly and efficiently we will ask you for the following  information:

If you are complaining about a service or Staff or dentist behaviour, your letter should include:

  • what service was provided
  • who served you
  • the date of the service.
  • copies of any relevant supporting information
  • Specifics of the behaviour of the staff or the dentist that you are not happy with
  • What you want the to do to resolve the problem

Complaints Handling Procedure;

  • We acknowledge we have received the complaint.
  • We undertake an initial review of your complaint and determine what if any additional information or documentation may be required to complete an investigation. We may need to contact you to clarify details or request additional information where necessary.
  • We Investigate the complaint to determine what happened and what led to the problem.
  • Facilitate a discussion about your concerns between yourself and those involved to notify you of our findings and any actions we may have taken regarding your complaint.
  • Find out what can be done to prevent the issue from occurring again.

Our complaint escalation process

  • We will attempt to resolve your compliant at the first point of contact. If we are unable to do this, we will undertake an investigation and provide you with our findings.
  • If you are not satisfied in how your compliant has been handled or the resolution provided by us, you can formally escalate the complaint through the appropriate consumer complaints channels.

It is our top priority that all our patients are happy and satisfied with the treatment they received and are satisfied how they were given an exceptional customer service. If there are shortfalls on our part and would like to successfully resolve it, please fill out the form below. Rest assured, we wanted to make this things right for you.