Don’t Ignore Sudden Tooth Pain.
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My Teeth Hurt Suddenly, sudden toothache pain causes, home remedy relief

My Teeth Hurt Suddenly, sudden toothache pain causes, home remedy relief
Toothache can happen for many reasons. Sometimes the reason is obvious – if you’ve been hit in the face or bitten into something hard – but other times it can seem like the pain comes out of nowhere.

Experiencing any kind of pain in your jaw or around your teeth can indicate a more serious oral health issue. Often, though, if the tooth pain is minor, most people tend to ignore it, hoping that likely it will go away on its own. This might happen, but eventually, the pain will return and when it does it will probably be more intense.
Any time that you experience pain in your body, it’s telling you that something is not quite right. The severity of the pain will generally be in direct relation to the severity of the problem. For tooth pain, even the slightest inkling of pain could indicate potentially serious problems developing.
The most common causes of tooth pain –especially the minor types of pain- are cavities, cracks in the teeth, infections along the gum line, and pressure being placed against the teeth.
If you have a cavity, usually you won’t notice it. A cavity is a hole in the tooth that is caused by erosion due to improper cleaning or consuming harmful foods or beverages. If the cavity gets deep enough, it can expose the tooth’s nerve and this can cause significant pain. It may start out as minor, but it can build.
Filling the cavity may not be enough; a root canal may be required to deaden the nerve endings.
If you have a cracked tooth, this can expose the nerve in the tooth and it can be extremely painful. Infections along the gum line can begin with a reddening or bleeding of the gums and if left untreated it can lead to tenderness, soreness, and significant pain. Weakened gums could also lead to weakening of the teeth.
If your teeth are out of alignment, your wisdom teeth are beginning to push out, you could experience some pain. This could require braces to correct the alignment issue or pulling out the tooth or teeth that are placing pressure on others.
If you experience any type of tooth pain, make an appointment as soon as possible to visit your dentist. It may be a minor issue that can be corrected right then, but ignoring it will almost always lead to more serious dental problems.
Feelings of pain and discomfort are the obvious signs of a toothache, but this can vary from a mild ache that comes and goes to severe pain that’s constant or only happens when you bite down. The pain may be localised in one tooth or feel like it’s spread across a few teeth.
Toothache may be accompanied by other symptoms, including:
- pain in the jaw, ear, head or face
- sensitivity to hot, cold or sweet food and drink
- swelling around the tooth or in other areas
- bad breath or a bad taste in the mouth
- bleeding from the mouth
- pus or fluid coming out of the gum
- fever
Although preventable, the occurrences of tooth decay are all too common. Yet decay doesn’t appear out of the blue: certain mouth conditions set the disease in motion.
Here are a few signs of such conditions to watch for — they could be telling you you’re at higher risk for tooth decay.
Visible plaque. Plaque is a thin film of bacteria and food accumulating on tooth surfaces and a prime haven for causing periodontal disease. If you actually see it — a crusty, yellowish film — that means there’s a large, unhealthy amount of it. It’s essential to remove it daily through diligent brushing and flossing and more thorough office cleanings at least twice a year.
Poor saliva flow. One of this bodily fluid’s functions is to neutralize mouth acid, usually thirty minutes to an hour after we eat. If saliva flow is inadequate, though, acid levels may remain high and endanger the enamel. “Dry mouth” can occur from a number of causes, including some medications and chemotherapy treatments. It’s important to alleviate the cause if possible by changing medications or stimulating saliva flow through other means.
My Teeth Hurt Suddenly, sudden toothache pain causes, home remedy relief
Tooth shape and appliances.
Largely determined by heredity, your teeth contain unique, tiny grooves known as pits and fissures that could harbor plaque. Certain appliances like retainers, braces or night guards can inhibit saliva flow and cause your teeth to retain more plaque. It’s important then to adjust your hygiene efforts to offset these anatomical or treatment factors.
Acid-producing conditions.
Diseases like gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) or eating disorders can introduce stomach acid into the mouth that is highly erosive to tooth enamel. It’s imperative for you or a family member to control these conditions through medication, dietary changes, or — in the case of eating disorders — behavioral therapy.
Eating habits.
Sugar and other carbohydrates are a ready food source for bacteria. Likewise, acidic foods and beverages (like coffee, tea, and sports or energy drinks) can cause high acid levels for too long. Cut back on eating and drinking these foods and beverages, especially as snacks, to reduce acid levels that could lead to decay.
Toothache sometimes goes away on its own, but if it’s a symptom of a more serious problem, delaying treatment could extend your suffering and give infections the chance to spread. Some problems that start in the mouth can spread to other parts of the body and affect general health.
It’s better to be safe than sorry, so you should always schedule a check-up with your dentist if you’re not sure why your tooth is hurting or if you want advice about treatments and home remedies, especially if a toothache lasts longer than 2 days.
- If any of your teeth or dental restorations have broken or come loose, call an emergency dentist for advice or to book a same day appointment.
- If you have swelling, fever, trouble breathing or other possible signs of an infection, go to the emergency room for urgent medical attention.
If you think your toothache is likely to go away, or you can’t see your dentist today, it’s important to know how to relieve pain and discomfort from home. Your dentist can give you personalised advice based on your individual needs, but everyday tooth pain can often be reduced with:
- over-the-counter painkillers
- placing a cold compress or ice pack against your outer cheek
- avoiding overly hot, cold, sweet, hard, crunchy or sticky food and drink
- following good oral hygiene, using a soft toothbrush
- keeping your head upright on a pillow when you sleep
- rinsing your mouth with salt water (not recommended for children)
Toothaches can happen any time and can’t always be avoided, but you can lower your risk of tooth pain by following good brushing and flossing habits, watching what you eat and drink and keeping up with your regular dental check-ups.
For Treatment of tooth pain or Sudden Toothaches
Below you will find some common dental emergencies and steps you can take to prevent further damage or injury until your dentist appointment.
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The information on this website is for information purposes only. Is not a substitute for a proper professional care and advice. Each patient’s outcomes, risks, potential complications, and recovery differ. Any dental procedure, minor or major, carries risks, some minor and some serious. Before and after images seen on our Social Media and website pages are our actual patient and have been published/posted with our patients’ permission. All of our patients photos are subject to Copyrights protection. We are strong believers in responsible aesthetics. Every cosmetic, medical, or dental procedure comes with its own set of risks and benefits. Cosmetic Dentistry results will vary from patient to patient. Call our office and book for an actual in-office consultation for us to assess if you are a good candidate for a particular treatment. All of our Specials and packages posted on this site are subject to terms, conditions and availability. The exact fee for a particular cosmetic procedure will be determined after a preliminary assessment distinguishing your unique personal needs and the type of work needed. The prices mentioned on any of our website as well as any mentioned payment plan by a third party source, are just a guide and is subject to change. Call the third party financing providers or visit their website for more info. Please call the office on 9629-7664 for further queries or clarification.

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