A dental crown’s primary function is to protect and restore the tooth’s natural appearance and function. While traditional crowns are designed to last anywhere from 5 to 20 years, dental crown problems can arise for a variety of reasons. Although a dental crown is durable, they are not indestructible. If you experience dental crown problems, you should contact us as soon as possible to prevent the problem from worsening.
The following are some of the most common dental problems and their solutions.
Dental Crown Problems and how to fix them – dental crown Dentist specialist

Dental Crown Problems and how to fix them – dental crown Dentist specialist
Dental Crown Problems and how to fix them – dental crown Dentist specialist
Is your smile holding you back? Research shows that people who smile more are more likely to be successful across many life domains than people who smile less. Having straight, healthy teeth can give you the confidence you need to show the world a big beautiful smile. And, a beautiful new smile may help open the doors to a fabulous new job, finding the perfect mate, making new friends, a relationship or simply a pleasant meeting. A great smile has magical powers. Never EVER underestimate the power of your smile!
Your smile is your calling card. Whether you’re having social interactions with your family and friends, attending a family wedding, or simply going about your daily activities and interactions, – your smile has an immediate impact on the way people perceive you. And if you’re embarrassed about your teeth – because of missing teeth, aged smiles, worn down teeth, chips, crookedness, colour and among other aesthetic imperfections– people aren’t perceiving the most confident and attractive version of you. Get expert cosmetic dental enhancement and makeover at Vogue Smiles Melbourne. We are here to help.
If you are self conscious about the appearance of your missing teeth, and you feel your smile is holding you back, we can help you of replacing your missing teeth.
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Dental Crown Problems and how to fix them – dental crown Dentist specialist
Can your teeth rot under a crown? Yes, it can. Of course, it is not the crown that gets the decay, but the tooth. When this happens, the decay quickly spreads underneath the crown. Usually there is metal underneath the porcelain or the crown is made entirely of metal. This metal makes it impossible for the tooth structure inside of the crown to be seen on a radiograph (x ray).
Depending on the size of the tooth involved, there can be precious little tooth structure left under the crown before the pulp (nerve) is destroyed by the decay. If this happens, a new crown will not fix the tooth. Under these circumstances, a root canal will be needed along with a new crown—assuming the tooth is able to be saved at all. Additionally, a new crown on a tooth that has already had a crown will without question be much more difficult to do than the first crown. This is because the margins (edges of the crown) will need to be deeper to cover up the area where the decay had to be removed after the old crown was taken off.
In conclusion, crowns are long lasting. Decay under a crown is a common way that a crown eventually fails. Early detection of decay at the edges of a crown reduces the amount of destruction of tooth caused by decay. A high degree of diagnostic skill is needed to detect early decay on the margins (edges) of a crown. Timely replacement is needed in order to avoid a root canal, or even to retain the tooth when decay is detected under an existing crown. Ask your dentist how you can maintain your crowns for the longest time possible.
The easiest way to avoid having a crown get decay underneath it is to pay special attention at home to the margins (edges) of the crown where it attaches to the tooth. Brush and floss are mandatory for long life of a crown. As well, special cleaning tools may be needed.
Prevention is better than a cure in almost every context regarding dentistry, keeping on top of your oral hygiene can save you thousands in procedures.
Sometimes, crowns fall off. Usually this is due to an improper fit, a lack of cement, or a very small amount of tooth structure remaining that the crown can hold on to because of recurrent decay under the crown. If this happens, clean the crown and the front of the tooth. You can replace the crown temporarily using dental adhesive or temporary tooth cement that is sold in stores for this purpose. Contact your dentist’s office immediately either for recementation of your old crown if it is still salvageable or a new crown might be needed.
Another common crown issue is improper crown placement over the affected tooth. In some cases, a poorly fitted crown will have an effect on your bite. When you clench your teeth, you may notice that your crown is uneven, resulting in a wonky bite that can cause discomfort in the future. Only a dentist can address and resolve this issue. Furthermore, as previously mentioned, poor crown placement can lead to bacteria creeping in and affecting the tooth, which can cause discomfort and necessitate costly repair work.
How to Repair an Improperly Placed Crown: You’ll need to see your dentist again so they can determine what additional work is needed.
It is not uncommon for your tooth or teeth to become sensitive following your dental crown procedure. You may discover that eating certain foods and the temperature of food and drink affects your tooth sensitivity.
If the sensitivity persists after the first week or so, there could be another cause. If your dentin is exposed during the procedure (this occurs when your tooth enamel is trimmed away during the crowning process), it may indicate that your crown does not cover your entire tooth.
How do you treat a sensitive tooth following an Crown placment? Consult your dentist if the sensitivity persists after a week or so. You may need to return to the clinic so that they can check what is causing your teeth sensitivity or they’re able to cover any exposed parts of your tooth.
Although extremely rare, since your dentist will enquire about allergies, patients can experience allergic reactions to crowns containing metal. Symptoms may include soreness or swelling to the gum or tissue around the crown. Solution: Choose dental crowns made from a porcelain-based material instead of metal. Porcelain crowns can be more biocompatible and less likely to cause allergic reactions.
Dental crowns are supposed to feel comfortable. They shouldn’t be causing you pain after your teeth adjust to the new fixture, so crown pain may be a sign that there’s a problem.
– Sometimes after a crown is placed, gum tissue may be a little sore and leave you with some pain. It takes a bit of time for a new crown to settle in your mouth, which can result in sensitive, tender gums. An over-the-counter pain reliever is usually enough to ease this mild discomfort.
Teeth grinding generally occurs subconsciously or while you’re asleep, and if you do grind your teeth, it could irritate your new crown. Your dentist may need to fit you for a mouth guard to prevent grinding.
The tooth under your crown can still become fractured. If you’re experiencing severe pain, there could be a fracture, small crack, or cavity in the tooth beneath the crown.
When a new crown is placed, the biting surface of the tooth changes. A crown that’s just a little too high or off just a bit in fit can result in tooth pain. If you have pain when you bite down, you may simply need to have the biting surface of your crown adjusted.
Over time, your gums may recede around the dental crown. This can expose sensitive areas of your gums and a bit of the tooth root, which can result in discomfort and increase your chance of infection
If your crown was placed on an existing tooth without doing a root canal, nerves and connective tissue inside your tooth are still there. The connective tissue and nerves in the center of your tooth are known as the tooth’s pulp. If infection occurs in the pulp, it may cause severe tooth pain.
If you’re only dealing with mild discomfort after the placement of a crown, it will probably subside on its own. However, if you’re dealing with more bothersome tooth crown pain, you should visit to your dentist.
Knowing if your crown pain constitutes a dental emergency will require consulting with your dentist. If there’s a problem with your bite or the fit and alignment of your crown, it’s something that can be easily corrected by a dentist to eliminate your pain. If receding gums around your crown are causing pain, extending the crown may be an option that solves the problem. If you’re dealing with an underlying infection of the tooth pulp, then the crown may need to be removed and a root canal performed. For a cracked or fractured tooth, your dentist may be able to repair it, or you may need an alternative like an implant or bridge if the tooth can’t be saved.
When it comes to crowns, experiencing moderate to severe pain is not normal. Make sure that you schedule an appointment with your dentist to assess the situation as quickly as possible. Your dentist will be able to determine the right solution to relieving your pain and restoring your smile.
Dental crowns made from porcelain and can fracture just like your natural teeth, making cracked or fractured crowns one of the more common problems people experience.
The breaking or fracturing of a dental crown is directly related to what the crown is made of.
When a tooth is prepared for a crown it has to first be shaved down (we call it “prepped”) to remove decayed or damaged parts of the tooth. We also need to make sufficient room for the materials that will be used to construct the crown.
There are quite a few different choices for the materials with which the crown is constructed. Each material has its own specifications for its required thickness. This is so that the crown can be strong enough to withstand the stress of chewing and biting on it. It stands to reason that if the dentist uses a type of porcelain which needs to be 2mm thick in order to achieve enough strength, then reducing the tooth by only 1mm would place the finished crown at risk of possible breakage from chewing or biting. The crown would be strong enough for chewing most things but may not be strong enough to withstand the sudden stress of encountering a cherry pit in a cherry pie, or some other unexpected hard substance in your food.
What happens if my crown chips or breaks? : By applying resin to the affected areas, small chips and fractures can be repaired this way. Larger breaks and chips, on the other hand, are likely to be too difficult or complex to repair, necessitating a full crown tooth replacement.
Dental Crown Problems and how to fix them – dental crown Dentist specialist
A dark line next to the gum line of your crowned tooth is normal, particularly if you have a porcelain-fused-to-metal crown. This dark line is simply the metal of the crown showing through. While not a problem in itself, the dark line is cosmetically unacceptable and your dentist may have to replace the crown with an all porcelain or ceramic one.
Natural teeth have a certain level of translucence, since the enamel is composed of light-emitting materials. When crowns are too opaque (solid in color), they don’t emit light. As a result, they can look fake next to natural teeth.
Inexperienced dentists may not be able to duplicate the translucent properties of a natural tooth when creating a crown. Layering too much porcelain or composite resin of one color can create a dense, uniform appearance that does not look natural. The opaque color will be especially obvious in natural light.
Fake-looking crowns that are too opaque may need to be corrected. An experienced dentist can provide options for a more natural-looking crown material, like all-ceramic.
Everyone’s bite is unique, and while labs do their best to achieve a perfect bite, it is common for the crown to need adjusting after it has been cemented in place. When you are numbed for crown placement, it can be difficult to get your teeth to bite together normally because they can feel funny. You may need to adjust your crown after the cementation visit once the numbness wears off.
Solution: If you notice that your crown is interfering with your bite, contact your dentist to have the bite and fit of your new crown checked.
Dental crowns can be made in a variety of unique colorations to match different people’s teeth, and having one that isn’t the same colour as the rest of your teeth can make you look out of place.
Solution: Before cementing the crown into your mouth, make sure your dentist matches the colour of the crown to the colour of your natural teeth. If the colour is not an exact match, speak with your dentist about having the crown removed and re-done in a different colour.
When your crown is inserted, the dentist will have to adjust its surface to match the opposing teeth. Dental crowns are extremely strong and can wear down opposing teeth.
Solution: If you believe your crown is abrasive or causing excessive wear, consult your dentist so that the crown’s surface can be adjusted to help prevent additional wear.
Like stated above, dental crowns are not vulnerable to decay, but the underlying teeth are. If debris and bacteria are trapped underneath the porcelain crown, a dental cavity can develop. In such a case, the dental crown would be removed so as to access and treat the underlying tooth.
A subpar manufactured porcelain crown is more likely to fail later on. This is why it is very important to have your porcelain crown procedure handled by a reputable and professional dentist. The best dentist for dental crown would ensure that your full porcelain crowns fit perfectly in your smile. Unlike a dental bridge, a dental crown is not designed to handle the impact of your bite. So, if your bite brunt is not distributed evenly across your teeth, your porcelain crown may become damaged.
A dental crown made from porcelain-fused-to-metal material always has a metal base. And after a while, the metal base will start to show through, giving the tooth a dark shade. This is more reason why some patients prefer to replace their metal dental restorations with restorations made of zirconia or porcelain for more appealingly results.
One of the simplest and easiest ways to make your permanent porcelain crowns last longer is to observe good oral hygiene practices. Brush your teeth at least thrice daily and floss at least twice daily. When brushing, give careful attention to the base of the porcelain crowns where the dental crown meets the gumline. Refrain from clenching or grinding your teeth and if you suffer from bruxism, quickly consult your dentist, refrain from biting on ice, hard candy or other hard objects and tell your dentist if you suffer from bruxism. More so, it is important to schedule an appointment to your dentist at least twice a year for dental cleanings and checkup. During such dental visit, your dentist would examine your dental health, the state of your dental crown as well as that of the underlying tooth. If the dentist discovers any sign of dental decay, he or she would have to recommend an additional treatment.
Below are some certain lifestyles and behaviours to choose or avoid if you have a dental crown, these include:
- Using your teeth as tools: never use your teeth as tools, they are never one. Try as much as possible not to use your teeth to open packages, bite your fingernails, tear off tags from clothing, and open crown corks. Doing these can damage both your natural teeth and dental crowns.
- Brushing and flossing regularly: dental crowns do not require special oral care. They can be cared for just like your natural teeth. Therefore, brushing and flossing at least twice a day with a soft-bristled brush and non-abrasive fluoride toothpaste can make your dental crown last longer.
- Schedule a regular appointment (or at least every six months) with your dentist for dental cleanings and check-ups: This practice is important whether you have a dental crown or not.
- Avoid dark-coloured foods and drinks: most dental crowns are made from high-grade porcelain that is resistant to discolouration and staining. However, porcelain crowns can take on a slightly different colour at their edges over time due to the consumption of dark-coloured foods and drinks. Contrariwise, the dark-coloured foods and drinks may change the shade of your natural teeth causing them to look darker or yellowish than the dental crown.
By carefully following the above guidelines, you would be protecting your dental crown and preserving your investment.
Like stated above, dental crown wears in the long run due to daily and the amount of wear is peculiar to each person. Although a dental crown is durable, it is not indestructible i.e. it can be damaged or destroyed over time. Hence, dental crowns need to be replaced if they crack or chip.
Leaving a damaged, cracked, or chipped dental crown in your mouth can increase the possibilities of having dental caries under the porcelain crown. Although dental crowns cannot get decayed, dental cavities can form under them if good and proper oral hygiene practices are not followed. So, depending on the extent of the dental decay and the condition of the dental crown, a dental crown replacement may be necessary. If the dental decay is not properly and immediately taken care of, the underlying tooth may become severely damaged and require a root canal treatment.
A poorly fitted crown, misfit crown, and imbalanced bite are common causes of porcelain crown failure and can also be reasons why permanent porcelain crowns would fail earlier than expected. Luckily, the cost of replacing a failed porcelain crown is covered by most insurance companies as long as the porcelain crown is fitted more than five years old.
More so, accident or hard impact can cause the full dental crowns to fracture or chip.
If you notice any of the above symptoms, it is likely that you will require dental treatment before the problem worsens. Please contact our clinic today for more information on your dental crown issues or to schedule a check-up.
Dental Crown Problems and how to fix them – dental crown Dentist specialist
Dental Crown Problems and how to fix them – dental crown Dentist specialist

Dental Crown Problems and how to fix them – dental crown Dentist specialist
Dr. Zenaidy Castro understands the impact a beautiful smile can have on your daily life. She takes the time to listen to each patient’s goals in order to produce the best results for everyone who wants to have a better smile.
Dr. Zenaidy Castro love transforming smiles through cosmetic dentistry, and with her vast experience of over 30 years, the care and aesthetic results she provides for all her patients is unmatched. What sets her apart is her careful eye for detail and ensure they have superior results that meet her patients expectations.
She enjoys creating smiles based on the idea that each person is born with a unique smile, and believe that a beautiful smile is not a one-size-fits-all smile design or a an appearance that seems like coming from a single factory manufacturing line.
Dr. Zenaidy Castro will design the smile of your dreams. It is easier than you think! Just give us a call to set up your free aesthetic consultation and see for yourself what we can do to make your smile dreams come true. To learn more about working with Dr. Zenaidy Castro, contact Vogue Smiles Melbourne on 9629-7664.
Find out more about Dr. Zenaidy Castro as a dentist
Find out more about Dr. Zenaidy Castro as an abstract artist and Photographer

Dental Crown Problems and how to fix them – dental crown Dentist specialist
We don’t believe that dental care should be out of anyone’s price range. We want you to feel confident in a smile that looks attractive and functions naturally—and fits within your budget! If you don’t believe you can afford the dental treatment you need (or want), rest assured that we will try our best to help you afford the treatment you need. We have helped countless patients receive affordable dentistry, providing them with beautiful new smiles that have changed their quality of life.
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Dental Crown Problems and how to fix them – dental crown Dentist specialist
At Vogue Smiles Melbourne, we provide a wide range of general dentistry and cosmetic dental treatments including composite bonding, porcelain veneers, Invisalign, teeth whitening, Smile Rejuvenation, Anti-aging Dental facelift, Full Mouth Reconstruction and Aesthetic Rehabilitation , Snap on Smile, Same Day Smiles, Transitional or Intermediate Smiles and much more.

We are passionate about the positive impact that is possible with a great smile.
You deserve the confidence and positive self-image that comes with having a great smile.
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The information on this website is for information purposes only. Is not a substitute for a proper professional care and advice. Each patient’s outcomes, risks, potential complications, and recovery differ. Any dental procedure, minor or major, carries risks, some minor and some serious. Before and after images seen on our Social Media and website pages are our actual patient and have been published/posted with our patients’ permission. All of our patients photos are subject to Copyrights protection. We are strong believers in responsible aesthetics. Every cosmetic, medical, or dental procedure comes with its own set of risks and benefits. Cosmetic Dentistry results will vary from patient to patient. Call our office and book for an actual in-office consultation for us to assess if you are a good candidate for a particular treatment. All of our Specials and packages posted on this site are subject to terms, conditions and availability. The exact fee for a particular cosmetic procedure will be determined after a preliminary assessment distinguishing your unique personal needs and the type of work needed. The prices mentioned on any of our website as well as any mentioned payment plan by a third party source, are just a guide and is subject to change. Call the third party financing providers or visit their website for more info. Please call the office on 9629-7664 for further queries or clarification.

Dr Zenaidy Castro – Famous Celebrity Australia’s Best Cosmetic Dentist, Australia’s famous, woman Photographer and abstract artist